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Second Quarter Vision Casting

Sunday, March 18, 2018 at 3pm 

at the AADL Downtown branch in the Lamplighter Room


We are in the third month of the year, what have you set out to manifest and co-create? What have you manifested and co-created? When we gather, I'll share with you a little bit about Hawaii and Uganda. I'm so excited to spend time with you so that the inspiration, creativity and essential oils flow and translate into inspired action and unstoppable momentum.



• Bring magazines, glue sticks, scissors
• You'll want a journal
• Keep an open mind and heart
• Be open to sharing about yourself
• Bring your favorite essential oils, crystals and stones.


Magazines, poster board or note cards, glue sticks, scissors and a light and open heart.

Allow your vision to shine through


Prepare for your workshop

Journal daily leading up to this event. Think about what you want personally, professionally, financially, emotionally, spiritually, physically and psychologically. Also think about what you'd like to manifest and co-create in terms of your heart, your hobbies, interests, relationships. Finally, think about where you'd like to travel, the people you want to meet and interact with and what your biggest hope and dream is.



Facilitated vision casting exercises, light refreshments and lots of fun and fellowship. Space is limited, so register here.



Since this event is at a very low price (our administrative costs), you'll simply lose that investment.